Covid19 Gym Safety Reminders: March 2021

Updated March 22, 2021

Please remember to fill in your screening before each practice & stay home if you have any symptoms.

Masking and Distancing

Please remember to wear masks covering both your mouth and nose and to remain at least 2 metres apart from anyone else at the gym. This includes outside while waiting to get in and as you are moving around the gym. Masks are encouraged while training but not required while on apparatus or doing heavy exercises. Physical distancing is required at all times.Handwashing remains an important part of protocol.Coaches will be reminding athletes of the safety rules to ensure safety & consistency.

Please remember that we all need to do our part to keep each other safe and keep athletes in the Gym.  Take care and stay safe!

COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Updated March 1st, 2021

The Niagara Region has moved to Red. This means we are able to commence programming with strict safety guidelines in place to keep all healthy and well.

The recreational session that was to commence in January will now begin March 2nd. Some schedule changes may be necessary and you will receive an email regarding your program.  We will continue to be in touch with any updates or changes as they arise.

Thank you for your support of Gymnastics Energy.  As a not-for-profit organization we rely on the loyalty of our gymnastics families and we appreciate your choosing us for your child’s recreational needs. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy.

Please visit our Safety Plan for more information and our COVID-19 page. We will be updating frequently.


Updated November 6th, 2020

Unfortunately, with todays announcement of the Niagara Region moving into zone Yellow. We have cancelled our Drop In classes effective November 7th, 2020.

We are working on strategizing the best plan to keep you and your family safe while being able to continue gymnastics at our facility. We will be posting any and all updates as they arise.

We thank you for your understanding in this matter and apologize for the inconvenience.


Updated: October 4, 2020

To our Members,

In order to help you feel more comfortable dropping your child off at Gymnastics Energy we are providing you with information on a variety of new Health and Safety Protocols that we have implemented. Our programs are designed to have lower capacity, physical distancing, mandatory health screening, and enhanced facility cleaning. Please note all protocols are subject to change, as the situation arises. Please take your time to read through the following information.

Your child’s coach will complete additional training on the New Rules and Protocols for the gym.  The goal of this is to help your child to remain safe and healthy during their time spent in our facilities. With all the new changes and protocols that will be implemented, recreational programming may be a little different this year but our coaches are ready and excited to make your child’s experience fun! Please ensure that you take the time to review what physically distancing is with your child prior to the start of class. Safety of our athletes and staff is our top priority.

No refund will be given once the program has started, due to illness or physical distancing noncompliance, unless Gymnastics Energy cancels the class or your registration.

Carpooling: It is suggested that carpooling is limited. Only members of the same family (or those living together) should be in a vehicle together. 


Parents not participating in the class will not be permitted inside the gym. The viewing area is closed until further notice. If you need to speak with the supervisor or administration staff at the office please connect via phone at 905-685-9248 or email at 

Gymnastics Energy COVID-19 Preventative Measures

Maximum Number of Participants: There is a limit of 50 persons allowed per room permitting physical distancing of at least 6 ft is possible. Gymnastics Energy has adapted to maximize the use of space available. The gym is separated into 5 separate training “rooms”; The main gym, the men’s area, the recreational gym, studio 1 and studio 2. A carefully planned rotation schedule has been made to ensure the limit per room is never surpassed.

Increased Sanitization: Additional cleaning/disinfecting of high traffic and high-touch surfaces such as light switches, door handles, hooks, cubbies and bathrooms have been put in place. A third party cleaning company has been hired to disinfect and clean every evening. 

Cleaning, Disinfection and Usage Protocols for Each Apparatus: A separate document will be shared outlining the new cleaning protocols and checklists for each apparatus. Cleaning/Disinfection Training will be completed by all staff. 

Handwashing/sanitizing: Handwashing and sanitizing procedures will be heightened for all coaches and athletes and will occur regularly. Coaches must ensure the athletes are washing their hands or using hand sanitizer upon entering the gym and between using apparatus/equipment/workout gear/etc. Coaches must use hand sanitizer after spotting an athlete.

Hands Free Coaching: There will be no spotting for gymnasts under the age of 3 and will be minimal for all other levels and ages at this time and only done for safety reasons. Seeing as coaches might have to step in for the safety of the athlete, coaches will be required to wear a face mask and eye protection where their assistance is needed. 

No Physical Contact: There is to be no physical contact between the coach and athlete (other than minimal spotting when required) or between athletes. This also goes for celebrations of achievement, greetings and good-byes (e.g. no high fives, shaking hands, fists bumps or elbow bumps).


No Physical Contact for Conditioning: During conditioning or drills there is to be no partner work or physical contact of any kind (e.g. no holding of legs for arch ups, handstands, rings strength skill supports). All conditioning, drills and skills are to be hands free.

In Case of Injury: In case of injury regular First Aid Protocols are to be used. Coaches are required to wear a surgical mask, eye protection and gloves while administering First Aid.

Physical Distancing: All athletes/staff/administrators/guests must remain at a minimum of 2 meters apart at all times. Athletes/Coaches to follow the movement pathways as laid out on the floor when entering, exiting and while inside the gym.


Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Note that Gymnastics Energy has 4 outside doors that are used for pick up and drop off. PLEASE FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH WHICH DOOR YOUR CLASS USES:


  • Please wear cloth face covering or face masks when approaching the gym club or when waiting to enter.
  • Follow the physical distancing markers as indicated outside of the gym doors.
  • Wait until the next marker becomes available then move forward.
  • Please send only one parent/guardian drop-off the child.
  • Coaches will open the doors no more than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. 
  • Athletes will be invited to the door one at a time. Health screening will be conducted for all athletes. before the athlete is signed-in and will enter the facility.
  • If late please contact the front desk at 905-685-9248 ext. 26 and wait patiently at the front door.
  • The change rooms will be closed for the time being. Have the athlete arrive in their training attire or wear training attire under their outer clothes.
  • In the lobby and hallways there will be individual stations clearly labelled for the athletes to keep their personal items. Once the athlete has placed all their belongings in their spot, they will wait for further instruction to line up and enter the gym. All external surfaces will be sprayed with disinfectant.

During Class:

  • Athletes will move from apparatus to apparatus following movement pathways and physical distancing with guidance from their coaches.
  • Additional health and safety protocols for each apparatus will be shared in a separate document.
  • If you need to pick-up your child early please inform the coach at drop off.

Departure:   PLEASE BE ON TIME 

  • Please wear cloth face covering or face masks when approaching the gym club or when waiting to enter.
  • Please send only one parent/guardian pick-up the child.
  • Athletes will be lined up inside the building with all of their personal belongings, at the exit.
  • Parents/guardians should wait at the physical distancing markers, and we will call each parent/guardian up one by one and will sign-out their child.
  • Athletes will be let out of the gym one at a time.
  • Please do not linger around the facility to talk. If you want to speak with other parents, back away from the entrance so that other families can pick up their child and maintain your physical distance.

Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures Con’t

Parents must remain at the club until the athlete has been given permission to enter the club.

Feeling Ill Prior to Arriving at the Gym: If your child is feeling ill do not bring them to the gym. Contact the office at 905-685-9248 to let us know that your child is ill and will not be attending class that day. If your child did not attend school due to symptoms please do not attend gymnastics. 

Entrance Health Screening:

A Daily Health Screening questionnaire will be conducted for all athletes and staff.

The following screening questions will be asked:

  • Are you or anyone in your household feeling ill or experiencing any ‘flu-like’ symptoms? 
    • (A list of symptoms will be posted at all entrances.)
  • Have you or anyone in your household travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?
  • Have you or anyone in your household or anyone who you have been in close contact with test positive for COVID-19?

If the athlete answers ‘yes’ to any of the screening questions the athlete will not be permitted into the gym.

Athletes must arrive with the following items for training (please label all items):

  • Arrive in gymnastics attire (comfortable active clothing – no skirts, jeans, belts, buckles or zippers), no jewellery.
  • Have hair tied back (this is a requirement for safe gymnastics)
  • Refillable water bottle.
  • Gym slippers, gymnastics shoes, socks with rubberized soles are not required but athletes are permitted to wear these if they choose.
  • A non-medical mask or face covering (please provide a small labelled bag for your child to store their mask).

Physical Distancing Outside of the Gym: Physical distancing markers will be placed outside of the entrance. Stand spaced apart at the markers as indicated. If the line exceeds the number of markers, please assume 2 meters between you and the next person in line.

Hand Sanitizing at the Entrance: Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance to the gym. All entering the gym must stop to sanitize their hands. Then refrain from touching your face and follow hygiene rules as outlined on the posters at the entrance to the gym.


COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Updated: October 4, 2020


Mandatory Mask By-Law: Wearing a non-medical mask or face covering is mandatory in certain enclosed indoor public places in Niagara region. For more information on the Region’s by-law visit Some individuals are exempt. Please indicate on your registration if your child is exempt.


Competitive / Recreational Athletes

Masks Must be Worn when:

  • Entering and Exiting the building
  • Going to and from the bathroom and change rooms
  • Walking to and from a break
  •  In the public areas such as Lobby, Hallways, Washrooms

Masks are to be placed in a Zip Lock Bag labelled with their name and placed with their water bottles at water bottle stations.

*Masks are NOT required while participating in physical activities

Competitive Coaches

Surgical masks and eye protection (glasses or shield) must be worn:

  • When spotting athletes (recommended to wear glasses rather than face shield as eye protection)
  • Checking in and dismissing athletes from the facility
  • When physical distancing is not possible
  • When administering First Aid

Face coverings of any kind must be worn:

  • When traveling through the public areas on the facility, lobby, hallways, washroom, changerooms
  • When cleaning

While coaching from a physical distance of minimum 6 ft, coaches may wear a face shield without a mask to better instruct athletes and allow athletes to better see and hear the instructions.

Coaches are encouraged to wear a face shield and/or mask and glasses whenever possible while coaching.

Recreational Coaches

Face Coverings and eye protection or shield must be worn:

  • When Checking in and dismissing athletes from the facility
  • When physical distancing of 6ft is not possible
  • When spotting is permitted

Surgical masks, eye protection and gloves must be worn:

  • When administering first aid

Face coverings of any kind must be worn:

  • When traveling through the public areas on the facility: lobby, hallways, washroom, changerooms
  • When cleaning

If an athlete requires assistance of any kind, the coach is to call over the floater to step in and support.

Floaters should always be wearing a surgical mask, so they are ready to step in and help coaches.

Gloves: Must be worn for cleaning equipment between rotations, cleaning at the end of the day or during deep cleans. Hands must be washed between each new set of gloves. Gloves must be worn when administering First Aid where the coach is required to touch the athlete. Gloves are not required while coaching.


Recreational COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Updated: October 4, 2020



Do not wear your gym training attire for repeated training days. Fresh, clean training attire should be worn to every practice. 

Foam Pits: The foam pits will be off limits. All foam pits will be covered with vinyl landing mats. Athletes can still land on the vinyl mats which can be cleaned after each user.

Rope Climb: No rope climbs for Recreational athletes until further notice.

Vinyl Mat Cleaning/Disinfecting: Additional staff and volunteers have been scheduled to help disinfect all equipment between group rotations. The practice is to clean/disinfect the vinyl surfaces after a group (cohort) has completed using that piece of equipment. Exception to his rule is if a gymnast’s face comes in contact with the mat or if the gymnast spits/drools on the mat then it needs to be cleaned/disinfected immediately. If coaches feel the need to clean the mats more frequently they are welcome to do so.

Trampoline Surfaces: We will be cleaning/disinfecting the trampoline surfaces at the end of each night using the sprayer.

Personal Items: Athletes/coaches/employees are not permitted to share personal items or training equipment (e.g. grips, slippers, wrist bands, scrunchies, hair elastics, wrist supports, ankle braces, tape, phones, etc.) Coaches please bring only what you will need for the day and remember not to leave any items in the gym or common areas to ensure an efficient deep clean.

Chalk Usage: No communal chalk dishes will be provided. Recreational athletes are able to complete all skills safely without the use of chalk. Competitive athletes will have individual chalk blocks in their personal storage bins. 

Water breaks: The water fountain will be used as a filling station only. Athletes/coaches/staff are to bring their own labeled, water bottle from home already filled. No sharing of water bottles. Coaches will be required to sanitize hands before and after filling water bottles.

COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines

Updated: October 1, 2020

Hand Sanitizer Allergy or Sensitivity 
Hygiene Guidelines 

All athletes and staff will be required to sanitize and hand wash frequently throughout the day.

If your child has a SENSITIVITY or ALLERGY to hand sanitizer products, ensure that you have clearly stated this on the registration forms.

Remind staff and coaches that your child has a sensitivity or allergy to hand sanitizer products.

Prior to coming to the gym, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. Dry with a clean towel.

Upon entry of the gym, participants will be required to wash hands and/or sanitize. 

Between equipment rotations, athletes will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer and will be permitted to go to the washroom to wash their hands following the safe movement pathways as outlined in the gym.

These are guidelines. We are happy to work with each individual athlete that this affects in order to create an individualized plan that both the family and Gymnastics Energy are comfortable with.


Rules for Staff Illness

Staff Illness: If you are feeling ill or exhibiting any new unexplained COVID-19 symptoms you must stay home. Contact your direct supervisor or scheduled staff to let them know as soon as possible. Supply coaches are limited at this time, please ensure that you get a hold of someone to cover your shift.

Coaches should not have any new or unknown symptoms for 24 hrs prior to reporting to work.

If someone in your household or personal “bubble” develops COVID-19 symptoms and/or is getting tested please contact Public Health and follow their guidelines. 

  • If they suggest to Self Monitor you must have no symptoms for minimum 24 hrs prior to working
  • If you are to isolate you must do so for 14 days without entering the facility
  • If you are scheduled to get tested you should inform the office off your test date  and follow public health recommendations. 


Please contact your direct supervisor to advise them of which steps you are taking and when you are cleared to return to work. 

All rules below are based on the following assumption:

That you have the virus and do not want to infect others.

That others have the virus and you do not want to contract it from them.

Respiratory Etiquette: Cough or sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue. Dispose of tissue immediately and wash your hands.

Hand Hygiene: Wash hands and use hand sanitizer frequently. See posters in/near the washrooms and hand sanitizer poster throughout the facility.

Maintain physical distance of 6ft or more whenever possible

Wear a mask whenever possible


COVID-19 Emergency Protocol 

Updated: October 4, 2020

Onset of Illness or Injury during training:

If a child becomes ill or injured during a training, an area has been prepared in the gym near the front exit for the athlete to wait in isolation until a family member can be contacted to come pick up the athletes. If the injury is severe regular protocols for first aid will be followed.

If an athlete begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while attending gymnastics training:

  • Stop training
  • The symptomatic gymnast will be immediately separated from others and placed in a safely distanced area until they can go home.
  • Athletes parents/guardians will be contacted to be picked up.
  • Coach will fill out the form indicating which symptoms the athlete has
  • Gymnasts should be reminded of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette while waiting to be picked-up.
  • Tissues should be provided to the gymnast to support proper respiratory etiquette, along with proper disposal of tissues.
  • Parents/Guardians will be notified of the symptoms and directed to contact Public Health at 905-980-6000
  • Parents/guardians are to follow the direction provided from Public Health and inform the gym
  • Athletes are not to return to the gym within 24hrs of showing any symptoms, self isolating for 14 days or receiving a NEGATIVE COVID-19 test result. 

Chain of Events in case of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at Gymnastics Energy

If contacted by Public Health with a confirmed case, Gymnastics energy will follow all guidelines and procedures outlined by Public Health. 

For those that have been identified as a close contact of the POSITIVE tested athlete, coach or staff: 

  • Additional communication will be sent to families of the gymnasts in the training group once Niagara Public Health has been consulted.
  • The local Public Health Unit will provide any further direction on testing and isolation of these close contacts.
  • Gymnasts or staff who have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be required to self isolate until the date that Public Health has confirmed they are cleared to return to training/ work. 

Outbreak Emergency Closure Procedure: In the event that Public Health deems an outbreak of COVID-19 at Gymnastics Energy the gym will shut down for 2 days for a deep clean. An Outbreak Emergency Procedure Plan has been created and will be enacted in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Communication will be sent to the staff, GE families of both competitive and recreational programs., the City of St.Catharines, Niagara Public Health.

GE will work with Public Health to prepare a contact tracing list. 

Resume training with Reopening Protocols.

  • Continued daily Health Screening of staff and teammates will be observed.
  • Resume training with Reopening Protocols including any additional measures to be implemented.


This COVID-19 Emergency Protocol will be enacted for any gymnast, staff, volunteer who begins experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 while at GE facility.


If any gymnast, staff or volunteer begins experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 while at home, inform your club. Contact your healthcare provider and follow their instructions. If the healthcare provider deems testing is required, get tested and self-isolate until you receive results. If the test is positive follow the protocols provided by Public Health.


If you have any questions that are not addressed in this information package please send an email to Updates to this document will be shared with the membership.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Checklist: 

Coaches Sanitation Bins: Each station/apparatus in the gym will be equipped with a Sanitation Bin. 

The Sanitation Bin will include:

  • hand sanitizer for the coach and athletes
  • a supply of gloves
  • face masks
  • disinfectant spray for the equipment
  • cleaner for cleaning the equipment
  • clothes

The floaters/volunteers must check that a complete supply of the listed items is in each Sanitation Bin.

Floor Supervisor/ Volunteer Cleaning Checklist


  • Disinfect the Tables and chairs after crafts, snack and lunch time
  • High touch surfaces including: All door knobs/ handles, light switches/keypads/ hooks for bags (Between training groups and at the end of the day)
  • Disinfect all equipment used between groups (toys, equipment, craft supplies)
  • If someone used the washroom facilities disinfect stall handle, toilet handle and tap
  • Clean all the equipment that was used in your apparatus before moving to the next apparatus with the appropriate cleaner.
  • Disinfect the sinks and paper towel holders in the changing rooms
  • Disinfect the portable sink and refill the top if necessary
  • If needed refill spray bottles, paper towel and soap at sinks
  • Collect all the dirty cloths at the end of the day and put them in washing machine

Day Camp Cleaning Checklist


Coaches Cleaning List During Camp


  • Put on a mask and gloves from the cleaning station
  • Disinfect the Tables and chairs after crafts, snack and lunch time
  • High touch surfaces including: All door knobs/ handles, light switches/keypads/ hooks for bags (Between morning and afternoon groups and at the end of the day)
  • Disinfect all equipment used between groups (toys, equipment, craft supplies) 
  • If someone used the washroom facilities disinfect stall handle, toilet handle and tap
  • Clean all the equipment that was used in your apparatus before moving to the next apparatus with the appropriate cleaner.
  • If needed refill spray bottles, paper towel and soap at sinks
  • Do attendance 
  • Make sure everyone’s daily screening is complete

SanAffect- sprayers- all vinyl mats, plastic sticks, non porous surfaces, Vault Table; Beam Surface, Bar, Rings, Pommel


Camp Coaches Cleaning List End of Day 


  • High touch surfaces including: All door knobs/ handles, light switches/keypads/ hooks for bags (Between morning and afternoon groups and at the end of the day) 
  • Disinfect  tables, chairs and home stations at the end of the day 
  • Disinfect the portable sink and refill the top if necessary
  • Disinfect the equipment- Bars/beam/vault/ring/pommel etc
  • If someone used the facilities check with the floor supervisor to see if the stall handle and toilet handle were disinfected and if not do so now
  • Put out fresh cleaning cloths if needed
  • Refill Spray Bottles if needed (wear safety goggles)
  • Disinfect the sinks and paper towel holders in the changing rooms 
  • Collect all the dirty cloths at the end of the day and put them in washing machine

Custodial and Contract Cleaning Checklist


Custodial Daily Checklist


  • Mop the mats with disinfectant including: Under Bars/ Under MAG/ Under Beam and Over Pitt
  • Shampoo Floor and Vault and Little’s Area and Tumble Track (Former Bleachers Area)
  • Spray the Fast Track and Tumble Track (or Steam/ Fog when available)
  • Empty the grey water from the portable sinks
  • Empty the garbages in the Gym
  • Move Cloths from Washer to Dryer and turn on Dryer

Contract Daily Checklist


Bathrooms- All Four

  • Disinfectant sinks and countertops
  • Mop floors
  • Disinfect stall doors/handles and toilet paper holders
  • Disinfect toilets
  • Empty Garbages/ Diaper Pail

Office Area

  • Vacuum
  • Disinfect/ Wipe Down Desks, counters and high touch surfaces (door handles; light switches; key pads etc)
  • Empty Garbages

Lobby Area

  • Mop the hard floor in the lobby and hallways
  • Disinfect all door knobs, thermostat boxes, handles, auto door buttons, light switches, Alarm box (high touch surfaces)
  • Wash down windows in entrance and in between the Little Gym and the Main Gym

Staff Room/ Kitchenette/ Small Office

  • Mop the floor
  • Wipe Down lockers
  • Clean and Sanitize the Table Tops and the Kitchenette (sink/ counter/ etc)
  • Disinfect High Touch Surfaces