It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of 2020… I think we can all safely say we didn’t see this one coming. From a global
pandemic to the great toilet paper debacle. Life has changed and so have we. At this time of year when normally we are planning our Gym parties and getting excited about holidays. I hope you can all find some comfort and peace in staying safe, staying well and knowing your Energy family is doing their very best to keep the gym a safe space. We continue to work hard staying up to date with the latest regulations and guidelines from our Province and Public Health, Thank you for your patience, understanding and support. We have an amazing team of staff and volunteers who are helping to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
This time of year is a good time to pause for reflection, gratitude and be kind to yourself and those around you as we navigate the new normal. It is a great time to recommit to the Energy Values we developed this past summer.
Giving Back
This holiday season, rather than training group gift exchanges, we would like to collect gift cards to donate to Gillian’s Place for sheltered families in need. Please visit to see a list of gift cards needed and consider purchasing through our Fundscrip account. Invitation code: 7CTACQ

Energy Fundraising
This year, more than any year before, every dollar of support counts. We are so grateful to everyone who made a purchase, shared an email, asked friends and family to drink wine and buy gymsuits! Your support is appreciated and goes directly to support the gym!
Drum roll…
Gym Gear: $552 dollars back to Energy + we can’t wait to see the athletes in their leos!
Fielding Wines & Cider: $3,958 + we can’t wait to hear what your fave wines and cider were? Over the holidays and beyond! Please consider purchasing gift cards through FUNDSCRIP. For Holiday Shopping, gas cards, grocery and more please think of us and use gift cards purchased through Fundscrip. Invitation code 7CTACQ
Competitive Team Updates
Gymnastics Ontario has confirmed that Provincial qualifiers will be done virtually this year. They will continue to update us on the Invitational, Excel and Rhythmic competitions and we will share any new information with you as it arises.
Holiday Training Schedules will be sent out shortly.
Coaches Corner
We would like to give virtual high fives and a you are awesome and we appreciate you so much shout out to: Mary Cowan, Olivia Pillitteri, Amenah Abu Al Hayjaa, Briar Forlin and Paris Forlin, working hard and going above and beyond rocking the Energy spirit!
Holiday Spirit Week
For all Rec and Comp athletes, coaches and anyone else feeling festive!
- Dec 14th Cozy Holiday Socks
- Dec 15th Favourite Christmas Sweater
- Dec 16th Holiday Headgear
- Dec 17th Winter Wonderland (blue and white, sparkles optional)
- Dec 18th Favourite Christmas Sweater
- Dec 19th Red, Green and White Day
Thank you to our Sponsors! We appreciate your support so much!